Help save self-catering in Scotland.

Hard working, everyday folk around Scotland are facing an existential threat to their ability to earn a living

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Pledge via Crowd Justice

Save Self Catering represents the community of decent, hard-working owners, agents, guests, housekeepers and other trades involved professionally in self-catering in Scotland.

We make a crucial contribution to the local and wider economy. And yet our livelihoods are currently under threat. Also under threat is homeowners ability to rent rooms or their whole home when they aren’t there. The small income they generate is often the difference between them being able to pay their household bills or not.

The Judicial Review in Edinburgh on 11th and 12th May 2023 is important for self-catering across Scotland.

Read our stories below and help us protect our livelihood.

Your Story

Save Self Catering represents the community of decent, hard working owners, agents, guests, housekeepers and other trades involved professionally in self catering in Scotland.

Tell Your Story

We make a crucial contribution to the local and wider economy and yet our livelihoods are under threat.

There is no sign of a rescue package but we form a crucial part of Scotland's tourism offering. We provide affordable accommodation and are sustainable. Scotland should feel proud of what we do. But we've been drowned out by negative, often misleading press.

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